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Planning enforcement charter

Reporting a breach of planning control

Members of the public have a vital role in reporting situations where control has been broken. You can see decision notices for planning applications on our website. If you are concerned that someone is carrying out work without permission or not keeping to planning permission they have been given or any conditions attached to it, you can report a breach using our online form.

The following information is important and helpful to us when you report a suspected case where planning control has been broken.

  • the address or location of the property or land involved where the suspected breach has taken place.
  • full details of the suspected problem (for example, details of the building work or activities being carried out, or the particular condition on a planning permission which you think may not be being kept to).
  • dates and times when the activity is carried out or when the building work began, if this applies.
  • details of any problems caused by breaking the planning controls.
  • details of your name, phone number, address and e-mail address, if you have one are helpful if you want to know the outcome of an investigation into your enquiry.
  • any photographs you have of the alleged breach


We will do our best to honour requests for confidentiality and treat personal data in accordance with data protection legislation. We are however subject to information requests and we may have to release personal information in some limited circumstances. Requests for total confidentiality may also limit our ability to take formal action and we cannot guarantee this if the case leads to court proceedings.

Service standard

Valid enquiries will be registered and acknowledged within 10 working days of receipt. The acknowledgement will include a reference number and details of the case officer.