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Housing policies and strategies

Housing and Technical Resources operate a Policy and Strategy Review Schedule to provide a clear timeframe for the formal review of all key housing policies and strategies.

This schedule assists the council in ensuring the documents meet statutory requirements and also allows for regular review by customers.  If you would like to be consulted on the review of these documents, please visit our Customer involvement pages to see how you can contribute.

The table below outlines the key policies and strategies regularly reviewed under the schedule. To view the full document, please click on the link within the table.

Key policies and strategies and review dates
Policy/strategy title Review frequency Next review due
Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2019-2024 Annually 2024/25
Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) Annually 2024/25
Repairs Policy 5 yearly 2024/25
Home Improve/Scheme of Assistance Grants 5 yearly 2024/25
Housing Allocation Policy 5 yearly 2025/26
Gypsy travellers pitch allocation Policy 5 yearly 2025/26
Rent Management Policy  5 yearly 2026/27
Tenancy and Estate Management Policy 5 yearly 2026/27
Anti-social Behaviour Policy 5 yearly 2027/28
Local Housing Strategy 5 yearly 2027/28
Customer Involvement Strategy 4 yearly 2028/29
Anti-social Behaviour Strategy 5 yearly 2028/29

The current schedule was approved by Housing and Technical Resources Committee in October 2022