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Secondary school transport - consultation

Change to mainstream secondary school transport from August 2025

On 7 August 2024 the Executive Committee approved a change to the qualifying distance for mainstream secondary school transport. From August 2025, those attending their catchment mainstream secondary school will only be entitled to transport where they live more than 3 miles away from school (currently more than 2 miles).

From November 2024, families currently receiving mainstream secondary school transport will be notified on whether they will be affected by the new policy starting in August 2025.

It will remain the responsibility of parents to get their children to school if they are not eligible for school transport, however, the council has committed to working with schools, parents and pupils to review school travel plans and implement mitigating actions where it could help lessen the impact on families and support more sustainable and active travel. This would include, where appropriate and possible within each school community, the surveying of parents on how they intend to get their child to school, promotion of wider active travel such as the under 22 free bus pass scheme, engagement with transport operators, walking bus initiatives, any park and stride potential, promotion of cycle routes and connecting parents interested in car sharing or parent led transport.

Anyone concerned about a walking route can request a safe walking route assessment. Please note that current transport arrangements for primary school and ASN pupils remain unaffected.

This decision was taken under a backdrop of financial pressures and will bring the policy into line with legislation and with most other councils in Scotland. Further information on the new policy for mainstream secondary school transport can be found in our FAQs.