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Household waste and recycling centre booking system

All vehicles visiting a Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC) in South Lanarkshire need to book their visit in advance.

How to book a visit

To book your visit please click on the link below:

Things to note before booking

  • If you are disposing of household/garden renovation materials, you must hire a skip or make your own disposal arrangements.
  • Tradesperson generated work is not classed as household waste and they should arrange disposal of the waste.
  • Only household waste from South Lanarkshire residents can be accepted. Please bring proof of residency.
  • If you visit without an appointment, you won't be able to enter.
  • Only the vehicle registration booked will be permitted entry. If your vehicle is hired, please bring a copy of the hire agreement
  • Only two people are permitted to leave the vehicle. Please always keep children and pets inside the vehicle
  • There is no restriction on how many times a South Lanarkshire resident can visit the HWRC
  • A booking allows a vehicle access once during your chosen time slot. Please make an additional booking if you need to make more than one trip
  • If you want to bring more than one vehicle you will have to book two separate slots, entering the vehicle registration for each
  • Time slots are 15 minutes for cars and 30 minutes for vans. If you miss your slot or arrive late you may not be granted access to the site. You will have to rebook your slot at another time

For further information on what is accepted at each site, and opening hours please see waste and recycling centres.

If you need to dispose of business or commercial waste, please refer to our Commercial collections and tipping vouchers web page.