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Blue Badge scheme

Who can apply for a Blue Badge

The Blue Badge scheme is a national scheme for those who have a permanent disability. A Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. 

You can apply if you -

  • have severe mobility problems and are unable or virtually unable to walk
  • are registered blind
  • are an adult, child or an organisation providing care
  • have a diagnosed mental or cognitive disorder which means you have little or no awareness of danger from traffic, are likely to compromise your own safety or safety of others

Blue Badges cost £20 and can be used by badge holders who are drivers or passengers in any vehicle. It is illegal for other people such as friends or relatives to use the badge when the badge holder is not travelling with them.

The quickest and easiest way to check if you qualify is to use the Government's eligibility checker.  This will also tell you the type of Blue Badge application you need to make and will advise when you should make the £20 payment.


Other websites may offer to assist with a Blue Badge application for a fee. These are not associated with the official Blue Badge Service. If you have been affected by this, you can contact Citizens Advice Scotland 

Misuse of disabled person parking bay

You can report the misuse of a disabled person parking bay by emailing the Parking Unit

Blue Badge enquiries


PO Box 3591
G73 9ED

Phone: 0303 123 1007
Email: Blue Badge enquiries