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Maximising Attendance

Maximising Attendance | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleMaximising Attendance
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesThe policy is intended to demonstrate a proactive view by:Demonstrating an ongoing concern for employee's health, safety and well being. Taking a preventative stance and tackling issues early before they become problems. Identifying and addressing the root causes of absence , rather than simply policing or monitoring. Ensuring employees work in a supportive environment and are treated in a fair and consistent manner.
ConclusionThe impact assessment from 30/1/2008 identified a need to monitor capability dismissals to enable a full assessment to be completed in 2009. However due to legislative changes in 2009 and updates to employee supports the Maximising Attendance Policy required to be reviewed and updated, therefore these actions were not completed. Moving forward, an exercise was undertaken to consider any negative impact associated with incapability dismissals in 2010/11. No negative impacts were identified. Actions that have been identified include working on gaining a true picture of the make up of the workforce who may have disability. We are aware that our recording/reporting systems HRMS does not currently have the functionality to separate pregnancy/disability related absence from other absences, but details can be recorded as additional information. We will, however, consider if there area any other options available through HRMS where this could be improved. Our final key action is to review our ethnic origin reports and see if improvements can be made in particular linking key information with absence.
Completion datePre 2014
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AreaCouncil Wide