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Local housing office - Lanark

Local housing office - Lanark | South Lanarkshire Council
Facility nameLocal housing office - Lanark
Building nameCouncil Offices
AddressSouth Vennel
PostcodeML11 7JT
Phone0303 123 1012
Description of serviceProvision of Property Allocation service according to the Council's allocation policy to people in need of housing. Provision of Estate Management services covering a wide and varied range of duties which are carried out both to tenants and where appropriate, owner occupiers. Provision of a comprehensive service to people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.
Opening timesMonday to Thursday 8.45am - 4.45pm, Friday 8.45am - 4.15pm

First Wednesday of each month 11am to 4.45pm
Disabled accessRamped access at front, parking bays for disabled people, entrance handrail, automatic door entrance, hearing loop, toilet facilities for disabled people.