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CWL0188-2326721 Supporting our community

CWL0188-2326721 Supporting our community | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0188-2326721
Group nameSupporting our community
Type of WishDonation of goods/materials
About usWe have a community hub, where people can meet and engage with each other. Classes, courses, and training events are provided free for all in the community. All programmes are community led and provided at their request.
Our WishWe are looking to install a community defibrillator at a central area within Hillhouse. We are looking for donations of both a defibrillator machine and a lockable cabinet. These life saving machines are available in other areas, but Hillhouse could use something with 24 hour access.
Date added to websiteAugust 2024
How to answer this wishIf you would like to answer this wish, please email