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Answered - CWL0172- 2301760 Abington Community Development

Answered - CWL0172- 2301760 Abington Community Development | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0172- 2301760
Group nameAbington Community Development
LocalityClydesdale area
Type of WishDonation of goods/materials
About usAbington Community Development Group is a local organisation within Abington who have recently taken over the old school house in the village as a community asset transfer. We have been extremely busy restoring the building and able to now open up to the community to provide various activities such as a community Café, a local gym and workshops for the community to attend. We also offer community spaces and also operate a business hub. We are keen to have the old schoolhouse to be a vibrant central hub for all in Abington, but also for surrounding villages.
Our WishWe require a projector screen that would enable us to deliver training to our local community and also have winter movie nights for our young people who attend our youth groups. This giving young people a warm safe space to hang about.
Date added to websiteJuly 2024
How to answer this wishThis wish has been answered