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The Richmond Fellowship Scotland (TRFS) Connect Services

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland (TRFS) Connect Services | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleThe Richmond Fellowship Scotland (TRFS) Connect Services
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaPerformance and Support Services
Aims and ObjectivesThe report does not introduce a new, or recommend a change, to policy, function or Strategy but proposes a withdrawal of block funding. The Richmond Fellowship Scotland Connect Services within South Lanarkshire Health & Social Care Partnership were set up to provide care at home (including housing support), community integration/support and crisis response service in line with social inclusion principles and recovery for adults with mental health problems who are service users of Social Work Resources.

The QA&CT have been reviewing services provided by organisations who do not have a contract in place and are receiving block funding. The aim is to look at the service provided and identify if it aligns to the South Lanarkshire Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) and Prioritisation Framework. SLC Procurement Team confirm there is currently no contract with TRFS but a contractual relationship with current funding based on historical arrangements - grant funding to TRFS Connect Services equates to £601,370 per annum.

Following a review of the service the overall assessment by the QA&CT is that the service provided no longer demonstrates the necessary strategic fit with current and future policy imperatives. This is evidenced by the following:

- Self-directed Support (SDS) budgets are allocated in line with SLC Prioritisation Framework focussing on those with critical and substantial needs. The types of input that Connect Services provide are tailored to those with low level needs with limited throughput.
- The service provided links with the SCP priority 3 – addressing mental health and addictions. Since implementation of the current service in 2008 mental health services have changed considerably with the addition of e.g. community psychiatric nurses on call 7 days per week, clinical support workers to Community Mental Health teams, SDS budgets available, Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) service etc. Current Connect Services have not been reviewed to reflect changes within the SCP nor other services/supports now available.

Due to the confidential nature of this proposal, discussion with service users will not take place until a decision has been taken by the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership and Social Work Senior Management Team on whether the proposal is approved. However extensive consultation and engagement did take place in 2022 specifically in relation to a mental health strategy.

Discussions regarding the contractual position have taken place with the TRFS.
ConclusionThere is no evidence to indicate that the recommendation will have a negative impact on any of the specified equality groups

A review of individual assessments, support plans and care needs will be carried out by Social Work Resources.

There is no evidence to indicate that the recommendation to withdraw block funding from the TRFS Connect Service will have a detrimental impact on any of the specified equality groups.

The changes have been devised in such a way that ongoing support is available via referral onto alternative community-based supports or the provision of SDS funding to individuals assessed as having critical and substantial needs in line with the SLC Prioritisation Framework.

This change recognises the commitment of the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership to tackle inequalities and tailor services to the needs and capabilities of individuals.
Completion date10/07/2024
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AreaCouncil Wide