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See Hear Strategic Framework

See Hear Strategic Framework | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSee Hear Strategic Framework
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaPerformance and Support Services
Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of this assessment is to consider the Scottish Government's Scottish Sensory Impairment Strategy: See Hear - A Strategic Framework, South Lanarkshire Council and the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership (SLHSCP), including statutory and third sector partners, have developed a framework for structured, co-ordinated, person-centred service delivery and support for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment.

The framework sets out a practical multi-agency approach to consider the impact on those in the community who have a sensory impairment and aims to have a positive impact on health outcomes, educational achievements and employment opportunities. This will be achieved via the delivery of a model care pathway that ensures individuals and service providers have a clear understanding and expectation of what services are available and will be delivered as well as a clear understanding of the supports that will be available following a diagnosis of sensory loss. The overall approach will be a person-centred one ensuring all agencies and third sector partners deliver in an accessible and proactive manner.

North and South Lanarkshire HSCPs contracted the University of the West of Scotland to undertake independent research into the needs of people with sensory impairments.
consultation with carers organisations is planned via the Carers Act Programme Implementation Board as part of the Carers Service Specification.
ConclusionThere are no negative impacts identified.

The strategy is intended to improve the quality of life and access to services for people with a sensory impairment. Through our research project an action plan has been developed to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy which will be done in partnership with agencies, the third sector and the community.

The policy will be monitored by achievements, on-going work and future plans of the See Hear Action Plan will be monitored quarterly by the Sensory Impairment Strategic Coordinator for Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland who will provide annual reports to the Head of Assisted Communications team at the Scottish Government.

The conclusion of this impact assessment is that it is recognised that individuals with sensory impairments do currently face barriers to accessing services. The intention of the strategy is to positively impact on individual's ability to access services independently and therefore positively impact on their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

As such, the strategy will be delivered in partnership with statutory agencies, the third sector and communities to ensure awareness and understanding of sensory impairments are improved across all employees.
Completion date10/07/2024
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AreaCouncil Wide