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CWL0155-2262137 South Park PTA

CWL0155-2262137 South Park PTA | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0155-2262137
Group nameSouth Park PTA
LocalityEast Kilbride/Strathaven
Type of WishDonation of goods/materials
About usWorking in partnership with the school to support and raise funds for the children to enhance their learning resources. We arrange community events taking into consideration the cost of the school day and ensuring there is fun for everyone.
Our WishWe require wood for our Community Garden. Replacing some fencing would be useful, any soil/seeds would also be appreciated to get us started. Requirement of tools for young children to use when planting in our community garden
Date added to websiteMay 2024
How to answer this wishIf you would like to answer this wish, please email