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North Halfway Hall

North Halfway Hall | South Lanarkshire Council
Consultation summary and backgroundGaining opinion on the future of North Halfway Hall.
Why are we consulting?The group are consulting to gain public opinion on how they would like the North Halfway Hall to operate including groups/organisations operating from the hall, opening times, costs and any other improvements they would like to see.
Who are we consultingChildren, Community groups/organisations, General public (including residents of an area), Men, Older people, Parents, Carers, Guardians, Stakeholders, Tenants, Volunteering groups/organisations, Women and Young people
How will findings be used?The findings will be used to influence the future of the North Halfway Hall
Start date10/04/2024
End date30/04/2024
Results available01/05/2024
Main subject(s) of consultationArts, Culture, Entertainment, Children and young people, Community and volunteering, Education and learning, General interest, Leisure and Culture, Libraries and Participatory Budgeting.
Contact nameJacqueline Queen / Councillor Walter Brogan
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