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Local Development Plan - Let's talk place!

Local Development Plan - Let's talk place! | South Lanarkshire Council
Consultation summary and backgroundSouth Lanarkshire Council have started work preparing the next Local Development Plan for the area. The plan when adopted will set out how our places will look in the future including where new homes and workplaces could be built and the areas that will be protected. Extensive engagement will be carried out to gather information and views from partners, stakeholders and local communities.
Why are we consulting?There will be a strong emphasis on improving the quality of places as well as addressing the challenges of climate change and the protection and enhancement of biodiversity. We want to empower our local people by listening to their priorities for the future development of their area.
Who are we consultingBusinesses, Carers, Children, Citizen's Panel, Community groups/organisations, Ethnic minorities, Expert stakeholders, Faith groups, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, General public (including residents of an area), Gypsies/Travellers, Head teachers, Men, Neighbouring Authorities, Non-users of services, Older people, Parents, Carers, Guardians, People with disabilities, Service users, Staff/employees, Stakeholders, Tenants, Visitors, Tourists, Non residents, Volunteering groups/organisations, Women and Young people
How will findings be used?This information will inform the Evidence Report as the first stage in developing our next Local Development Plan for the area.
Start date01/05/2024
End date30/09/2024
Results availableTBC
Main subject(s) of consultationEnvironment, Housing and homelessness, Leisure and Culture, Parks/open spaces, Planning, Quality of life, Residents and Roads and traffic
Contact nameJohanne Raeside
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