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Anti-social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2029

Anti-social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2029 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleAnti-social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2029
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of this strategy is to reduce anti-social behaviour in South Lanarkshire and is closely aligned with the Antisocial Behaviour Policy.

The purpose of the strategy is to set out partners shared understanding if anti-social behaviour, the priorities that require to be addressed and the actions that will be taken forward over the next five years to help prevent and tackle anti-social behaviour. Anti-social behaviour is a complex, multi-faceted issue and requires a strong partnership approach to prevention, intervention and enforcement where necessary. Perceptions, experiences, individual circumstances and vulnerabilities can impact on victims of anti-social behaviour, perpetrators and also the wider community. The council has adopted a person-centred approach encompassing trauma informed practice, focusing on prevention of anti-social behaviour, early and effective interventions and robust enforcement where necessary; being particularly mindful that if left unchecked. anti-social behaviour can escalate into more serious acts of criminality or disorder. In order to tackle anti-social behaviour the strategy focuses on prevention, intervention, enforcement and rehabilitation.

The intended outcome of this strategy is to prevent anti-social behaviour from happening by putting measures in place to allow partners to intervene at an earlier stage to deal with problems and take appropriate and proportionate action to tackle anti-social behaviour wherever it may occur.
ConclusionThe assessment has concluded that the Anti-social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2029 will have a positive impact on all communities across South Lanarkshire.

To ensure the effective monitoring of progress against our stated objectives a detailed performance monitoring framework is in place and an annual review will be developed each year over the life of the strategy.

In accordance with Housing and Technical Resources Policy review schedule, the strategy will be subject to a full review every five years or sooner if required due to legislative changes. The next review will take place during 2029-30, in line with the Committee Schedule.

The strategy is relevant to anyone who lives in South Lanarkshire. The strategy is consistent with the council's vision to improve the quality of life of everyone in South Lanarkshire, in particular to support the protection of vulnerable children, young people and adults. Therefore the strategy will have a positive impact on the lives of people who live in South Lanarkshire.

In addition, the strategy also aligns with and reflects Community Planning priorities and partnership working to promote safe and sustainable communities where people want to live; and provides an enhanced quality of advice, assistance and support to residents affected by anti-social behaviour.

The council also has established robust processes in place for managing anti-social behaviour within South Lanarkshire.

Completion date12-3-2024
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AreaCouncil Wide