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HTR03- Financial Savings 2024-25 - CCTV

HTR03- Financial Savings 2024-25 - CCTV | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleHTR03- Financial Savings 2024-25 - CCTV
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Aims and ObjectivesThe Resource currently operates a fully staffed 24-hour CCTV service. The proposal is to move to a back shift and night shift only staffed service, while maintaining 24-hour real-time recording. This would provide a more sustainable service model focused on peak demand times.

Current budget for 24 Hr CCTV service is £0.464m. It is proposed to reduce the budget by the equivalent of 2 FTE posts (£0.039m) through non-filling of current vacancies. This will take effect through changes to hours of operation and staff shift patterns. The new staff model will also see the creation of a second supervisor post, providing enhanced support to operators and providing decision-making governance in the control centre.
ConclusionThe proposed saving can be progressed without having a significant adverse impact upon any specific group of individuals or communities within South Lanarkshire. The impact of the reduction in budget will be monitored on an ongoing basis by the council and Police Scotland to ensure that the safety of communities is not compromised in any way by the new service model.

Approved at the Council meeting on 21 February 2024.
Completion date21 February 2024.
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