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EDR02 - Financial Savings 2024/2025 - Secondary School Technician Service

EDR02 - Financial Savings 2024/2025 - Secondary School Technician Service | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleEDR02 - Financial Savings 2024/2025 - Secondary School Technician Service
Council ResourceEducation
Aims and ObjectivesCluster Team Technicians support the delivery of the curriculum within the secondary sector. This is carried out in 3 distinct disciplines, Science, Technical and Audio Visual.

The are approximately 54 FTE school technicians and the proposal is to reduce the service by 25%. This would be undertaken by implementing a partial reduction in staffing across each secondary school based on size.

In order to minimise disruption in supporting learning and teaching and protect the health and safety aspect of technical support, it is expected that the discipline of audio visual may be proportionately higher affected by this saving than the areas of science and technical.

This saving would start from April 2024 rather than the academic year, and a 25% reduction would equate to 15 FTE posts at Grade 2, this is a saving of £0.590m. There are currently some temporary positions.
ConclusionThe nature of this service means that pupils from S1-S6 may be impacted by this proposal and the reduction in technicians may impact on the delivery of practical lessons for subjects that require specialist equipment.

The group covered by the protected characteristic of age may have particular needs in relation to this saving. There is therefore a potential for a negative impact in respect of this proposal. Individual schools will identify the possible classes/cohorts that may be impacted by this proposal.

With regard to staffing, any redeployment options offered to affected staff must be appropriate to individual needs. Staffing implications of this saving will be considered in a separate Council-wide Equality Impact Assessment.

Approved by Council on 21 February 2024.
Completion date21 February 2024.
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