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EDR01 - Financial Savings 2024/2025 - Librarians

EDR01 - Financial Savings 2024/2025 - Librarians | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleEDR01 - Financial Savings 2024/2025 - Librarians
Council ResourceEducation
Aims and ObjectivesThere are 11 FTE school librarians working across our secondary schools who operate a library service ranging between 2 to 5 days per week, based on the size of the school.

The proposal is to reduce the service by approximately 50%. This would be undertaken by moving to a reduced service for all schools of 1- 2 days per week.

This saving would start from April 2024 rather than the academic year, and a 50% reduction would equate to 6 FTE posts at Grade 2 (non-teaching posts), this is a saving of £0.240m.
ConclusionThe conclusion of this impact assessment is that there is no adverse impact on any of the groups covered by the protected characteristics. Alternative arrangements will be considered within individual schools and implementation of these savings will be subject to terms and conditions of employment (including redeployment procedures) and the Council’s collective agreements.

Staffing implications of this saving will be considered in a separate Council-wide Equality Impact Assessment.

Approved by Council on 21 February 2024.
Completion date21 February 2024
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