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South Lanarkshire Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy

South Lanarkshire Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
Consultation summary and backgroundThe Scottish Parliament passed the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order in May 2022, which places a duty on local authorities to prepare, publish and update a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan. The strategy is intended to set out a long-term plan for decarbonising heat in buildings and improving their energy efficiency across the entire local authority area, with details to support the implementation of the strategy included in the delivery plan.
Why are we consulting?South Lanarkshire's draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy will be available for public consultation before being submitted for committee approval.
Who are we consultingBusinesses, Carers, Children, Citizen's Panel, Community groups/organisations, Ethnic minorities, Expert stakeholders, Faith groups, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, General public, Gypsies/Travellers, Head teachers, Men, Non-users of services, Older people, Parents, Carers, Guardian's, People with disabilities, Residents of the area, Service users, Staff/Employee's, Stakeholders, Tenants, Targeted sample, Visitors, Tourists, Non residents, Volunteering groups/organisations, Women and Young people
How will findings be used?The findings will be used to inform the final version of South Lanarkshire's Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy which will be implemented by the council and submitted to the Scottish Government.
Start date12/02/2024
End date12/04/2024
Main subject(s) of consultationBusiness, Environment, Housing and homeless, Quality of life, Residents and Strategic aims
Contact nameClaire Frew
Online survey