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SLLC Resident Budget Consultation 2024-25

SLLC Resident Budget Consultation 2024-25 | South Lanarkshire Council
Consultation summary and backgroundIt is widely recognised that South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture contributes positively to a range of national and local priorities, and programmes, projects and initiatives which aim to address inequalities and at the same time provide opportunities to improve the health, wellbeing and the learning environment for all our residents and communities in South Lanarkshire. At present, South Lanarkshire Council is in the process of setting its budget for 2024/25 and in line with local authorities across Scotland, is facing unparalleled financial challenges, with a £70.6 million budget gap in the next two years. This stark fact has an impact on us at South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture and, as well as our existing financial pressures, the Council has tabled the option to potentially cut our management fee by £1.5 million for the 2024/25 financial year.
Why are we consulting?With some difficult decisions lying ahead, we are carrying out a review of leisure and culture provision across South Lanarkshire and seek feedback from residents on your view of the services we provide to ensure that these services are sustainable and deliverable within available finances, and helping to ensure the right mix of services exist within each area in order to meet the future needs of our residents including continuing to make a positive impact on community health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, this means that services will have to be prioritised, which may mean withdrawing from certain locations or reducing the level of service in some areas and we want to hear from our residents.
Who are we consultingCarers, Children, Community groups/organisations, Ethnic minorities, Expert stakeholders, Faith groups, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, General public, Gypsies/Travellers, Head teachers, Men, Non-users of services, Older people, Parents, Carers, Guardians, People with disabilities, Residents of the area, Service users, Staff/Employee's, Stakeholders, Tenants, Targeted sample, Volunteering groups/organisations, Women and Young people
How will findings be used?The findings will be used to look at how we can shape our services going forward and taking this information to consideration as to what is important to the community.
Start date22/11/2023
End date20/12/2023
Main subject(s) of consultationArts, Culture, Entertainment, Best values, Budget spending, Financial matters, Grants, Children and young people, Community and volunteering, Customer satisfaction, Disabled people, Equal opportunities, Ethnic minorities, General interest, Leisure and Culture, Libraries, Museums, Older people, Quality of life, Residents and Theatre/concert halls
Contact nameMartin Cryans/Margaret Hunter/Elaine Bernard
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