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People's Panel Recruitment

People's Panel Recruitment | South Lanarkshire Council
Consultation summary and backgroundSouth Lanarkshire Council, in partnership with South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership and NHS Lanarkshire currently hold the details of around 2000 local people making up a people’s / citizens’ panel.
The current panel members have served for some time who have registered as willing to take part in consultation activity with the council. Panel members can be invited to participate in any consultations.
Why are we consulting?The People’s Panel is a way for you to share your views on a range of issues that matter to you. We are looking for people of all ages, backgrounds and experiences to join the Panel.
Who are we consultingN/A
How will findings be used?The responses provided for any consultations will be used to help our resources.
Start dateOn going
End dateOn going
Results availableOn going
Main subject(s) of consultationN/A
Contact nameAlyson Bell
Support link