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Traffic light sequence - Woodfoot Road/Sherry Drive, Hamilton

Traffic light sequence - Woodfoot Road/Sherry Drive, Hamilton | South Lanarkshire Council
IdeaCan the traffic light sequence be changed at the bottom of Sherry Drive in Hamilton? When turning right into Sherry Drive from Woodfoot Road, due to oncoming traffic from Laighstonehall, this creates a jam behind any vehicle trying to turn right onto Sherry Drive. At peak times, this backs up to the roundabout at Wellhall Road and beyond, even towards Hillhouse Road. It would be better if the traffic light sequence prevented two-way traffic on Woodfoot Road, either side of Sherry Drive to stop this unnecessary build-up of traffic.
ResponseThe junction at Woodfoot Road/Sherry Drive was installed in December 2019 as part of the Hamilton community growth area works.

At that time, the junction was modelled using a variety of scenarios and the optimum option was to install the current arrangement. When the junction was installed, additional software was added to the junction which counts the traffic and apportions the green time appropriately. This was further augmented with conditioning that allows the right turn into Sherry Drive and the left turn out of Sherry Drive to be called after the queue extends along the eastbound approach on Woodfoot Road.

However, given the recent changes in traffic flows as well as the different impact from residents working from home, the council propose to carry out new junction counts to access if splitting the two traffic movements on Woodfoot Road is now a viable option. The counts will not be able to be carried out until the beginning of September when the schools return, and the traffic patterns stabilise.