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Community Engagement and Participation Strategy

Community Engagement and Participation Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCommunity Engagement and Participation Strategy
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of the strategy is for the South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership to involve communities in decision making processes. The document sets out a vision, principles for engaging with communities and year one actions that will be delivered. Through the implementation of the strategy, we hope that people living, working and visiting our communities can see the difference that they have made through their contribution.

Vision - Our communities are at the heart of Community Planning in South Lanarkshire.
In achieving that vision, people will be 'Involved and Engaged'; our engagement will be 'Clear and Simple'; 'Fair and Flexible'; "Safe and Supportive". We will also be 'Open and Accountable'.
ConclusionThe strategy contains a range of inclusive measures and approaches to ensure the participation of everyone in South Lanarkshire. Arrangements will be put in place to monitor those who are 'harder to reach' to ensure that they have the opportunity to engage should they wish. The implementation of this strategy will be through a partnership approach.
Completion date2018/2019
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide