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Cathkin Braes Local Letting Initiative 2018-2019

Cathkin Braes Local Letting Initiative 2018-2019 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCathkin Braes Local Letting Initiative 2018-2019
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Aims and ObjectivesLocal Letting Initiatives (LLIs) provide the means for varying the housing allocation policy in order to take account of local needs, demands and circumstances. The Local Housing Strategy 2017-2022(LHS) highlights that across South Lanarkshire, there is a mismatch between population and housing provision.
Cathkin Braes Tenant Management Co-operative (CBTMC) has been in existence since 1992. The LLI in operation applies across all properties in this area and gives priority to applicants with a local connection in that one in four lets is allocated to applicants who meet this criteria, up to a maximum of 25% of total lets. Local connection is:-
- current CBTMC members
- relative of CBTMC member*
- relative of former CBTMC member who has purchased a Tenant Management Co-operative property*

The intended outcome of the LLI is to ensure a more stable and sustainable community. The local letting rules relating to one in four lets have proved successful in this area. The LLI applies to 8% of the total stock in Cambuslang.

* a family member can be defined as mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin, grandparent, in-laws or step family members
ConclusionThe LLI provides the means to vary the housing allocation policy and allow for applicants with a social or economic connection to the area to be prioritised for housing. The key outcome of this LLI is to achieve a stable, successful local community within Cathkin Braes Tenant Management Co-operative area and to promote the values with underpin Co-operatives.

It is anticipated that the initiative will continue to contribute to:-
- lower level of tenancy turnover
- lower level of tenancy failures
- higher level of satisfaction with the area/tenancy allocation process
- demand on housing lists from applicants
Completion date8/8/2018
Contact Email
AreaRutherglen and Cambuslang