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Updated Friday 31 January 2025

South Lanarkshire Social Enterprise Strategy

South Lanarkshire Social Enterprise Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSouth Lanarkshire Social Enterprise Strategy
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesThis is a new Social Enterprise Strategy and Action Plan from 2022 developed in partnership with the sector to deliver on our long-term commitment to target business and capacity building support and build sustainable enterprises that thrive, innovate, and support our local communities.

The actions flowing from the strategy will support our existing and new-start social enterprise in South Lanarkshire investing in the sector to help us deliver a fair and inclusive economy

This Strategy will build on the strength of our partnership working and success to date, setting out our collective vision for, strengthening and growing our social enterprises and supporting the sector to realise market opportunities under a community wealth building approach.
ConclusionOn the wider policy front there has been a sea change in the supporting environment around Social Enterprise development - driven by several policy initiatives linked to Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and Procurement Reform Act 2014 with a specific focus on “Inclusive Growth”, “Community Benefit” and “Community Anchors”.

These reforms have in turn prompted the publication by the Scottish Government of its 10- year Social Enterprise Strategy that aims to strengthen the support available to encourage start- ups and growth of the sector.

The importance of Social Enterprise to the South Lanarkshire local economy is reflected in “Promote” the Economic Strategy for South Lanarkshire (2013-2023) which sets out our vision of creating an enabling framework that encourages sector growth and capacity building. This commitment is further realised in our proposed ambition for the new Economic Strategy under
our key themes of People, Place and Business and in our Community Wealth Building Strategy 2022, in building a generative economy.

This is a new social enterprise strategy and action plan which will be reviewed annually. This Equality Impact Assessment does not identify negative impact for any of the protected groups listed above.
Completion date22/11/22
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AreaCouncil Wide