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Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy

Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleConsultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and ObjectivesSets out how Planning and Building Standards Service will consult, communicate and engage with residents and other audiences who have an interest in planning and building standards work within South Lanarkshire.
ConclusionThe Planning and Building Standards Consultation, Communication and Engagement Strategy sets out how the Service will consult, communicate and engage with customers, partners and colleagues in the delivery of its services and in exercising its statutory functions.. The Strategy will be set out in a 'Plain English' style and will aim to be inclusive to everyone in our communities. The Strategy will be supported by an action plan which will be monitored quarterly.
Completion date12/1/21
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide