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Housing Revenue and Capital Account Budget 2022/23

Housing Revenue and Capital Account Budget 2022/23 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleHousing Revenue and Capital Account Budget 2022/23
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Service AreaHousing Services
Aims and ObjectivesRevenue estimate proposals for the Housing Revenue Account and Housing Capital Programme 2022/23.

The proposed £52.23m Housing Capital Investment Programme will help enhance the lives of South Lanarkshire tenants by maintaining housing stock to the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS), continuing to work towards the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2) and continuing to increase the supply of council housing.

This will be achieved through a programme of investment works to council homes which includes central heating upgrades and installations, external fabric upgrades, external wall insulation, kitchen and bathroom replacements, window and door replacements, external environmental improvements and legislative compliance works.

The investment programme will contribute towards a reduction in fuel costs, thus helping tenants who may be experiencing fuel poverty.

There is a proposed 2.2% rent increase to realise this investment. The proposed rent increase is among the lowest of all local authorities in Scotland and the lowest set across all other Registered Social Landlords operating within South Lanarkshire.
ConclusionThe 2022/23 budget proposals are intended to support continued investment in the council's housing portfolio to meet legal and regulatory requirements, whilst minimising the financial impact to tenants through setting affordable rents.
Completion date10/1/23
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AreaCouncil Wide