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South Lanarkshire Council Plan

South Lanarkshire Council Plan | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSouth Lanarkshire Council Plan
ResourceFinance and Corporate
Aims and objectivesThe South Lanarkshire Council Plan will impact on all people living and working in South Lanarkshire. This will include people across all the protected characteristic groups as defined by the Equality Act 2010. Statistics for each of the characteristics are provided below where available.

The population trends for South Lanarkshire have been collated from the Office of National Statistics, the Scottish Government and the Census. The council monitors the uptake of its services currently by age, gender, disability and race.
ConclusionSouth Lanarkshire Council is a key anchor organisation sitting at the heart of local decision-making and democracy, championing South Lanarkshire and working for the benefit of those who live, work, visit and do business in South Lanarkshire. The Council Plan reflects the experience of our communities over the last few years. It is the result of an extended process of engagement and listening which saw us engage communities the length and breadth of the council area, in which conversations touched on the need to put people first and take steps to tackle deprivation and inequality. Also on people's minds were the effects of the pandemic on businesses and town centres, on jobs, education, mental and physical health, on young people and older people and those in vulnerable groups. Finally there was widespread recognition that we all need to play our part in tackling the challenges of climate change which are increasingly apparent to us all.

Tackling socio-economic disadvantage is not new to the South Lanarkshire Council. Indeed, the council has always included tackling poverty, deprivation and inequality high on the agenda, in everything we do. In the new Council Plan, under the cross-cutting theme People, we aim to put people first and reduce inequality. So, along with our Community Planning Partners we will continue to have ‘Community conversations that matter’ and we will work with communities to ensure that their voices are heard and they are supported to take action on the things that are important to them through a ‘can do’ approach. The People theme was further captured and influential in shaping ALL of the Outcomes detailed in the Plan
• Communities and Environment - Caring, connected, sustainable communities
• Education and Learning - Inspiring learners, transforming learning, strengthening partnerships
• Health and Wellbeing - People live the healthiest lives possible
• Children and Young People - Our children and young people thrive.
• Housing and Land - Good quality, suitable and sustainable places to live
• Our Economy - Thriving business, fair jobs and vibrant town centres

Targeted work to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities is taking place in the most deprived communities in South Lanarkshire through Neighbourhood Planning. However it is well documented that people who experience socio-economic disadvantage are more difficult to engage with and can have barriers to participation. The council and the partnership will work with communities to remove barriers to ensure that everyone who wants to take part can do so. An online learning course is being developed for staff. This will include information on the diversity of our communities and suggest actions to take to ensure that everyone’s voices can be heard, regardless of their background.

Everything we do under the Council Plan is shaped and delivered according to the Vision shared with our Community Planning Partners: to Improve the lives and prospects of everyone in South Lanarkshire and always in line with Our Values:
• Focused on people and their needs
• Working with and respecting others
• Accountable, effective, efficient and transparent
• Ambitious, self-aware and improving
• Fair, open and sustainable
• Excellent employer

The Council Plan will take into consideration the changing demographic of the area and the potential this will have on the inequalities of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage and the needs of local communities and service provision and delivery.

The Council Plan will promote health improvements with a particular emphasis on tackling poverty and inequality, through closer integration of health and environmental objectives, and promoting the importance of good quality local environments and neighbourhoods, providing links to the wider community planning partnerships.
Completed date8/7/22
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AreaCouncil wide