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Review of employability programme delivery

Review of employability programme delivery | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleReview of employability programme delivery
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesSouth Lanarkshire Council currently delivers 4 supported employment programmes:
- The Coalyard and satellite cafes; a two year full time employability programme supporting young people, who have additional support needs including learning disabilities, learning difficulties and/or autism. The target outcome is progression to paid employment. Students attend their Coalyard placement 3 days per week. Placements on offer are laundry, kitchen and public tearoom.
- Work it Out School Programme a vocational development programme supporting pupils who attend one of South Lanarkshire Council's Additional Support schools/departments with a learning difficulty or diagnosed learning disability, in their final year of secondary education. Referrals are made by the schools. The purpose of the programme is to support the young person into a positive destination developing employability skills with a view to moving onto sustainable employment when the time is right.
- DFN Project SEARCH connects young people with learning disabilities and additional support needs with competitive employment. The project is currently based at Hairmyres Hospital with the outcome for students to move to paid employment.
- Autism School Transition Programme and Social Inclusion Project (SIP). The Autism School Transition Programme offers specialist interventions to young people with an autism spectrum condition moving into last school year. It aims to support young people with the challenges they face due to having an autism spectrum condition. The target outcome is an appropriately supported positive post school destination, ie college, university or employment.
The SIP Group is a Social Inclusion Project supports the development of social skills, natural peer supports, anxiety management and appropriate behaviour modelling for young people who have an autism spectrum condition and have previously attended The Autism School Transition Programme.
ConclusionSouth Lanarkshire Council currently delivers 4 supported employment programmes supporting young people, who have additional support needs including learning disabilities, learning difficulties and/or autism. The target outcome is progression to paid employment.

As the users of the services are young people, the majority of them male, within the age range of 16 - 24 who have additional support needs including learning disabilities, learning difficulties and/or autism it is likely that there will be an impact on the protected characteristics of age, disability and gender.

The full impact of the programme review/changes will not be known until they have been introduced. The impact of the proposal will be monitored using the current monitoring arrangements and will be reported to Resource Management team on a quarterly basis through the quarterly return reports.

Update 17/3/2021

Introduction of New Initiatives

Supported Employment Programme - Young Persons Guarantee Fund

The project is an initial 39 week full time employability programme. The participants supported have additional support needs including learning disability, learning difficulty and/or autism.

Project developed with consultation with participants and stakeholders. The recruitment process will target previous clients that are known to us. Participants are identified as ready for stage 4 (Employer Engagement) and stage 5 (on and off job support) of the Supported Employment Framework as part of their progression route. Recruitment process will capture those that have dropped out of other programmes due to the disruption caused by COVID. All participants will be interviewed and selected on ability, needs and expectations.

The target outcome for the participant is progression to paid employment.

The Programme will support 8 participants age 16 - 24 years for a maximum of 25 hours each week.

Ongoing evaluation of the programme has been built in.
Completion date17/3/21
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AreaCouncil Wide