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Answered - CWL0024-1982049 Stonehouse Men's Shed

Answered - CWL0024-1982049 Stonehouse Men's Shed | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0024-1982049
Group nameStonehouse Men's Shed
Type of WishDonation of goods/materials
About usStonehouse Men’s shed is a registered charity within Hamilton area supporting men who are lonely or in need of social interaction and emotional support. When we meet in Stonehouse village, men can socially interact or can join either our music group or a group undertaking a rewilding project which is in an area to the rear of our shed. Our fun community space allows men to connect with others and explore their creativity helping to reduce isolation and loneliness.
Our WishWe are looking for a donation of goods/materials. We require a range of musical instruments but mainly keyboards and guitars. Some members have their own instruments however we do not have a surplus of instruments for new members who are new to learning music. We also require hanging or floor storage cupboards to ensure instruments are safely stored. We also require garden items such as; garden sleepers for raised beds, aggregate for pathways and self-binding, gravel, wood as we require any wood that can be used in our wood workshop. This will help us make bird boxes and hedgehog boxes. We also require Monobloc, gabion baskets and weed control matting.
Date added to websiteMay 2023
How to answer this wishThis wish has now been answered.
What has been provided?Jettison Professional Waste Management have donated musical instuments to Stonehouse Mens Shed
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