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Answered - CWL0004-1959453 PAMIS South Lanarkshire

Answered - CWL0004-1959453 PAMIS South Lanarkshire | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0004-1959453
Group namePAMIS South Lanarkshire
LocalitySouth Lanarkshire (all areas)
Type of WishFinancial donation
About usPAMIS is an organisation that works with parents caring for a child or adult with a profound and multiple learning disability and complex healthcare needs. Our aim is to see this group included in their communities, improve opportunities and support them to improve their health and wellbeing. PAMIS works with people of all ages but has recently had a greater focus on our younger families, this is a group that are extremely isolated. Our aim for this group is to bring families together to offer support, information and friendship. We do this in an appropriate accessible environment and provide a fun accessible activity that the children will respond to.
Our WishWe would like to run 6 Music therapy family sessions for children with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their families, this would cost £600 to run. We use a specialist class leader to ensure we are meeting the needs of our younger families.  We have introduced this specialist support by offering a monthly kids club with the focus of music therapy, with time to get together and build relationships amongst our group. We hold our sessions in Action For Childrens South building at Blantyre Industrial estate, we chose this venue as it is wheelchair accessible and has a Changing Places Facility which is essential for our group.
Date added to website01/04/2023
How to answer this wishThis wish has now been answered
What has been provided?£250 was donated from AM Philips
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