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Answered - CWL0003-1966502 Blantyre Old Parish Church

Answered - CWL0003-1966502 Blantyre Old Parish Church | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0003-1966502
Group nameBlantyre Old Parish Church
Type of WishDonation of goods/materials
About usChurch of Scotland place of worship with several community groups and organisations using our halls.  Groups using our halls include Rainbows and Brownies, Dancers, Leisure Groups and on a Wednesday a very popular Warm Welcome where anyone in the community can come for warmth, some food and company. 
Our WishWe have a defibrillator outside our Church for use of our full community. Where the defibrillator is on our building means that it can be very dark at night and we would like to have a light in order for us to have it more visible for those who may need it in an emergency. Our wish would be to have a spotlight/light installed that would illuminate this life saving equipment. Due to restrictions a defibrillator must have its own power source. SInce installing, our defibulator has been used twice.
Date added to websiteApr-23
How to answer this wishThis wish has now been answered
What has been provided?Block Architects have bought and installed a light next to the defibrillator
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