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Answered - CWL0017-1977282 Agape wellbeing

Answered - CWL0017-1977282 Agape wellbeing | South Lanarkshire Council
Wish IDCWL0017-1977282
Group nameAgape wellbeing
LocalityEast Kilbride/Strathaven
Type of WishDonation of goods/materials
About usAgape Wellbeing is a charitable organisation based in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire. We are a well-being centre who provide free activities and services for children, families and vulnerable adults to support positive wellbeing. We have recently opened a Sensory Hub which focuses on children aged 0-3, developing their sensory skills to build attachment and bonding with their parents/carers.
Our WishWe require three convectors’ heaters to be spaced across our Hub. We require guards on each heater for safeguarding the children. Our sensory hub has been through a severe winter and the windows are all single pane frame, which means the hub gets cold very quickly. We have sealed around our front door entry which prevents some drafts however, owing to the single pane windows the hub is cold. Each convector is priced at £28.05 and has a turbo fan connected. Our children deserve a warm environment to play and explore.
Date added to websiteApr-23
How to answer this wishThis wish has now been answered
What has been provided?Findel have provided Agape with 3 convector heaters
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