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Sustainable Development & Climate Change Strategy 2022-2027

Sustainable Development & Climate Change Strategy 2022-2027 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSustainable Development & Climate Change Strategy 2022-2027
ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Aims and objectivesThe Sustainable Development & Climate Change Strategy and action plan is a council wide strategy, all council resources will be affected to varying degrees depending on services provided.

It is globally recognised that developing sustainably and tackling climate change will help to improve the quality of life for all of us, and for future generations. Achieving these aspirations will involve the whole community including residents of South Lanarkshire, users of council services, SLC employees, other public bodies, the business sector and voluntary sector.
ConclusionSustainable development is about maintaining a stable level of economic growth and employment, whilst reducing resource consumption, producing clean alternative energy, and enabling a quality of life which is fair, inclusive, and does not disadvantage anyone.

Sustainable development three pillars – environmental, social, and economic. While the focus of this strategy is the environmental pillar it will complement other council plans and strategies that focus on the social and economic pillars, including the council plan, community plan, economic development strategy, local housing strategy, local transport strategy and local development plan.

This strategy aims to align all three pillars of sustainable development for all who live and work in South Lanarkshire. Through this strategy and the others mentioned above we seek to tackle socio-economic disadvantage and reduce the inequalities that are associated with being disadvantaged.

Key to this is community participation. During the development of the strategy we engaged with residents, community groups, businesses, and the voluntary sector in the early stages of developing the strategy to ensure their views and ideas helped to shape the strategy. A series of focus groups and workshops explored what residents and communities need to live well in South Lanarkshire. A public consultation of the draft strategy was also made available on the council website and advertised on all council social media channels. It was also sent to community councils, council partnership organisations and other public sector bodies.

The strategy and subsequent action plan will focus on the delivery of measures which benefit all South Lanarkshire residents and will seek to lessen the impact of deprivation by its focus on education, development of green jobs, improving active travel and green infrastructure to name a few.
Completed date23/12/22
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AreaCouncil wide