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Local Housing Strategy 2022-2027

Local Housing Strategy 2022-2027 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleLocal Housing Strategy 2022-2027
Service AreaHousing Services
Aims and ObjectivesDeveloping a Local Housing Strategy is a key change to the function of a local authority which provides local authorities with a strategic opportunity to consider the opportunity of the housing system in its area and to plan strategically for meeting future need and demand. It allows for the effective delivery of housing-related services over the lifetime of the strategy. It enables local authorities to make a difference locally and to monitor progress against national and local priorities and targets. It also provides people with a vital opportunity to have their say and influence the future delivery of housing and housing-related services in their communities.

To support the delivery of the South Lanarkshire Local Housing Strategy 2022-2027, a total of 35 measures and 72 actions have been identified across the five chapters of the strategy, with eight priority outcomes identified These are detailed below:-
1. Increase overall housing supply and improve access to, and choice of, housing options that suit people’s needs, which they can afford and sustain.
2. Private landlords and tenants are supported to ensure renting remains a sustainable housing option that meets all required standards.
3. Housing quality and energy efficiency are improved across tenures, with advice and support provided to owners and tenants to help them achieve the required standards.
4. More homes are heated through decarbonised sources and renewable energy supply opportunities are explored.
5. People with particular needs are better supported to live independently within the community in a suitable and sustainable home.
6. Prevent homelessness occurring and significantly reduce homelessness.
7. People who experience homelessness are provided with suitable temporary accommodation as required and are supported to move to settled accommodation that meets their needs as quickly as possible.
8. Housing sustainability is improved in priority areas.
ConclusionThe Local Housing Strategy 2022-2027 is relevant to anyone who lives or wishes to live in South Lanarkshire.
The strategy is consistent with the council plan’s vision to improve the life and prospects of everyone in South Lanarkshire. A good housing system helps to support educational attain-ment, reduce inequalities, promote health and wellbeing, create stronger communities and contribute to sustainable places.
The Local Housing Strategy 2022-2027 plays a key role in delivering these priorities by help-ing to ensure the delivery of the right homes in the right places.
Based on the above, it is recommended that this strategy be introduced.
Completion date9/12/22
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