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Decriminalised parking services

Decriminalised parking services | South Lanarkshire Council
SummaryThe council has been operating decriminalised parking enforcement (DPE) in South Lanarkshire since 2005 and its parking operations are aligned to support the broad objectives outlined in the council’s Parking Charter and Local Transport Strategy. This is achieved through enforcing parking restrictions, and the associated issue and administration of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), and by providing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure and systems for managing pay and display and permit parking.

The council is seeking to procure the supply and maintenance of hardware and software to facilitate the delivery and operation of decriminalised parking services.

This contract is to replace the current arrangements which the council has in place with Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions Limited for the Parking Gateway System.

In recognition of the nature of the information accessible to the council, the associated privacy risks have been assessed and actions to mitigate these agreed to ensure compliance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
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