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Community Payback Order provision

Community Payback Order provision | South Lanarkshire Council
SummaryA new service arrangement is being put in place from January/February 2021 until end of current financial year for SACRO to provide additionality to the Community Payback Order provision by way of unpaid work supervision. Additional funding has been released by the Scottish Government to tackle the backlog of undelivered unpaid work requirements imposed as part of the Community Payback Orders, which has massed due to Covid-19.

The service will be delivered by SACRO to supervise the unpaid work requirement for service users subject to Community Payback Order. This will be in addition to the service currently provided by South Lanarkshire unpaid work service located within Justice Social Work Services.

There was a need identified for a PIA due to the processing of personal data. It was identified that the information included personal data, special category personal data and may include personal data relating to criminal convictions/offences. Thorough consideration has been taken in relation to the sharing of the relationship and vulnerability of the data subject, the categories of personal data and the legislation which gives the council the powers to process the information. An assessment of the overall level of risk in relation to sharing the information has also been considered.

The outcome of the risk assessments and the mitigating actions will ensure that our staff and service providers who support young people and vulnerable adults, do not breach a data protection principle while processing personal data of those service users for whom we have care and protection responsibilities.
Resource responsibleSocial Work Resources