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South Lanarkshire Council (Hamilton) (101/2022)

South Lanarkshire Council (Hamilton) (101/2022) | South Lanarkshire Council
Organisation nameSouth Lanarkshire Council (Hamilton)
Procession date13/11/2022
Procession areaHamilton area
Procession townHamilton
Outward routeAssemble at Car Park of the former University of the West of Scotland, off Arthur Street, Hamilton; Arthur Street; Bothwell Road and along to the War Memorial within Whitehill Park where parade disperses.
Outward time2.35pm
Inward routeAssemble at the War Memorial within Whitehill Park, Bothwell Road, Hamilton; Bothwell Road; Caird Street; Clydesdale Street (along the back of the Council Offices); Douglas Street; Almada Street (along the front of the Council Offices) where the salute is taken; left into Beckford Street where parade will disperse directly across from the Sheriff Court.
Inward time3.25 - 3.30pm
Accompanying bandsStrathaven Pipe Band
Estimated number in procession350 - 400
Notification statusWithdrawn
Last objection date20/10/2022
Route mapView map