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Council Plan 2022-27

Council Plan 2022-27 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCouncil Plan 2022-27
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaCorporate Communications and Public Affairs
Aims and ObjectivesThe Council Plan is one of the most important documents prepared by the council in which we set our Vision, Values, Priorities and Outcomes. It publicly states what we hope to achieve over the next five years in order to improve outcomes for local people and make the most effective use of resources to deliver the best possible services.

Our Vision 'to improve the lives and prospects of everyone in South Lanarkshire' remains at the centre of the plan and our Values are fundamental to the way the council operates, underpinning and guiding everything we do. We recognise that to deliver our Vision we need to work closely with our Community Planning Partners and so this updated version of the Plan is closely aligned to the Community Planning Plan and shares the Vision and three cross-cutting themes of People, Progress and Planet, which resulted from extensive conversations and consultations with the communities in South Lanarkshire.
ConclusionThe Council Plan is one of the most important strategic documents prepared by the council. It publicly states what the council hopes to achieve in order to improve our outcomes for local people, communities and partners and deliver the best possible services over the next five years (2022-27). We identify how it will be done whilst making the most effective use of available resources.

The Council Plan recognises our close link with our communities and partners by sharing a common Vision and crosscutting themes, and also cascades down into the Resource's annual plans which forges a strong and transparent link between the council's strategic direction and the day-to-day business of providing council services.

Performance will be reported and scrutinised regularly at both Council Plan and Resource level and will be reported to the public too.
Completion date14-6-22
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide