Lodge St Thomas 306 (040/2022)
Organisation name | Lodge St Thomas 306 |
Procession date | 22/05/2022 |
Procession area | Hamilton area |
Procession town | Larkhall |
Outward route | Assemble at Car Park at Freemason's Hall, Wellgate Street, Larkhall; left onto Wellgate Street; right onto Percy Street to bottom of road; right onto Muir Street and continue uphill to traffic lights at Charing Cross; right onto Union Street; along Union Street till procession reaches Larkhall Cross; right onto Wellgate Street; proceed along Wellgate Street to Freemason's Hall where parade disperses. |
Outward time | 6.00pm |
Inward route | N/A |
Inward time | N/A |
Accompanying bands | Kilsyth Pipe Band |
Estimated number in procession | Approximately 40 |
Notification status | Granted |
Last objection date | 13/05/2022 |
Route map | view map |