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Investing to Modernise- Blantyre Care Facilities

Investing to Modernise- Blantyre Care Facilities | South Lanarkshire Council
Titlenvesting to Modernise- Blantyre Care Facilities
Council ResourceSocial Work
Service AreaPerformance and Support Services
Aims and ObjectivesThis policy aims to support the residents of South Lanarkshire to remain at home independently for as long as possible
while maintaining their safety. The Scottish Government's Strategy "Age, Home and Community" (2012-2021) sets out
a 10-year vision to develop appropriate housing for older people, aimed at shifting the balance of care towards
supporting people to remain at home independently for as long as possible, rather than in care homes or hospitals. The
Local Housing Strategy 2017-2022, "Affordable Homes, Sustainable Places", sets out a specific outcome for
supporting people with particular needs and their carers to live independently within the community in a suitable and
sustainable home. Which will be achieved through the use of the 20 technology enabled properties.

The Blantyre Care Campus will support people through the transition between hospital and going home safely and
appropriately. Through its strategic commissioning relationship with the IJB, South Lanarkshire Council operationally
delivers elements of the Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) 2016-2019 (carried over to the SCP 2019-22) and the
annual IJB Directions. Within the SCP and IJB Directions, there was a specific Direction issued to the Council to
reduce reliance on Nursing and Residential Care through the development of proposals to remodel a proportion of
residential care beds to focus on transitional support and the 'home for life' principle.

The aims and outcomes for the Blantyre Care Campus is to provide support to the people of South Lanarkshire at a
time of need which will allow an increase in choice in supporting people to return home safely and independently.
ConclusionThe work of the Investing to Modernise Programme will positively support a number of individuals return home
following a period of rehabilitation and support to allow return to independent living.

The technology enable houses will support individuals to remain at home as long as possible.
Completion dateFebruary 2022
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