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Bothwell Boys Brigade, Scouts and Guides (034/2021)

Bothwell Boys Brigade, Scouts and Guides (034/2021) | South Lanarkshire Council
Organisation nameBothwell Boys Brigade, Scouts and Guides
Procession date14/11/2021
Procession areaHamilton area
Procession townBothwell
Outward routeAssemble at Waverly Court, Bothwell; Waverly Court; right onto Fallside Road; left onto Main Street; left into grounds of Bothwell Parish Church where parade disperses.
Outward time10.30am
Inward routeAssemble in grounds of Bothwell Parish Church, Main Street, Bothwell; right onto Main Street; proceed to Junction with Fallside Road; perform a U Turn and come back along Main Street to halt in front of the War Memorial. After Wreath Laying Ceremony has concluded procession will resume along Main Street back to Bothwell Parish Church grounds where it will disperse.
Inward time11.50am
Accompanying bandsN/A
Estimated number in procession70
Notification statusGranted
Last objection date16/10/2021