Lanark Lanimer Committee: Lanimer Day Procession (011/2021)
Organisation name | Lanark Lanimer Committee: Lanimer Day Procession |
Procession date | 04/09/2021 |
Procession area | Clydesdale area |
Procession town | Lanark |
Outward route | Assemble at St Leonard Street, Lanark (at Junction with Stanmore Avenue to Waverley Crescent entrance); St Leonard Street; St Leonard Street to Junction with High Street; High Street (South Side); Lanark Cross passing Wellgate entrance; Lanark Cross down length of Castlegate and its Junction with Friars Lane; left into perimeter path inside Castlebank Park to far entrance; right at far fence entrance into main park. Parade will disperse as per controlled, marshalled movement of participants to roped areas bordering arena. |
Outward time | 10:30 hours |
Inward route | N/A |
Inward time | N/A |
Accompanying bands | Pipes and Drums of Coalburn I.O.R.; Beats of Brazil; Coalburn Silver Band;. |
Estimated number in procession | 450 to Maximum of 500 (exact numbers to be confirmed but will not exceed 500). Total includes 2 Bands, 3 other Musicians, 14 Air Cadets, 27 Lanimer Court Members with 6 Drivers and 50 Marshals and Stewards |
Notification status | Granted |
Last objection date | 14/08/2021 |
Route map | view map |