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Food Growing Strategy

Food Growing Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleFood Growing Strategy
Council ResourceCommunity and Enterprise
Service AreaAll council plotholders, waiting list applicants, allotment associations, SLC Food growing group including relevant Council resources, third party organisations and community groups with an involvement in food growing.
Aims and ObjectivesThe main aim of this strategy is to identify current food growing provision and outline how the council can increase opportunities for residents of South Lanarkshire to access and enjoy the pleasures and health benefits associated with growing your own food. In addition to the provision of food growing sites, we will facilitate and enable others to grow their own in accordance with the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
ConclusionThere is no evidence to indicate that this strategy will have a detrimental impact on any of the specified equality groups. The strategy has been devised in such a way to further support the existing diversity of tenants on our allotments and raised bed sites.

The introduction of this strategy complies with the legislation introduced under the Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015 in working towards increasing food growing provision to all those who have an interest in food growing.

The positive impacts of this strategy are supported by the council's commitment to extending its food growing provision, the extensive community consultation which has been carried out and the success of the food growing sites.

The Council recognises that there can be economic barriers to growing food in terms of buying the necessary equipment and materials as well as running costs associated with a large allotment. The Council will work with allotment associations to identify systems and funding streams to help mitigate these barriers such as tool libraries, seed or plant exchanges. The availability and variety of raised beds or un-serviced plots will be increased which can offer a more cost effective way of food growing for those who wish to keep running costs to a minimum creating a range of affordable options.

The Council will also ensure that disabled access is fully considered when designing any new sites, increasing opportunities for those who may be socially isolated to become involved in in community activities.

The impact of the strategy will be reported to the Scottish Government on an annual basis. It will also be reported quarterly on the Council's Improve updates. The strategy will be reviewed every 5 years to ensure that it is meeting the aims and objectives
Completion date05-Nov-2020
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AreaCouncil Wide