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South Lanarkshire Council COVID-19 recovery plan

South Lanarkshire Council COVID-19 recovery plan | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleSouth Lanarkshire Council COVID-19 recovery plan
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaCouncil Wide
Aims and ObjectivesThis purpose of this assessment is to consider the impact of South Lanarkshire Council's COVID-19 recovery plan as we move out of 'lockdown'. The plan includes measures relating to:
- Council - organisational recovery
- Support for business recovery
- Health and Social Care Partnership - learning, influence on service wide re-design
- Community and voluntary organisations - how to retain the contribution from these groups

COVID-19 has been circulating worldwide since an outbreak in China in December 2019. On 23 March 2020, the UK and Scottish Governments introduced measures to slow the spread. People were asked to stay at home (only leaving home for certain, limited, reasons) and to travel only if their journey was 'essential'. The important role that physical distancing played in mitigating the impact of the virus was stressed.

In response to this there has been a need to reduce/amend some services and also transform the way in which these are being delivered to allow physical distancing measures, to take account of higher than usual absence levels; to concentrate resources on key frontline services; and to allow the council to take on an extensive range of new services to support our communities in response to the pandemic including:
- Childcare hubs
- Shielding/Wellbeing contact centre and the support requirements identified through this
- PPE Hub and distribution to the care sector

On 21 May 2020 the First Minister published a route map for lifting lockdown restrictions, and on 28 May confirmed that Scotland would move into the first of four phases of recovery. Among other measures, this phase permits more outdoor activities, including non-contact sports, allows people to travel further for recreation (advised as five miles), and permits some construction and other outdoor work. Regular reviews and changes have been made as lockdown restrictions have been eased, the next review is scheduled for 30 July 2020.
ConclusionThe impact assessment was considered and approved by the Recovery Board on 22nd July.
Completion date28/07/2020
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide