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EDR03 Financial Savings 2019-20 - External placements

EDR03 Financial Savings 2019-20 - External placements | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleEDR03 Financial Savings 2019-20 - External placements
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesThis saving is a continuation from the 2018/19 approved savings relating to a reduction in expenditure as a result of less children being placed in external provision for their education, in line with the policy to educate and care for as many of our children within South Lanarkshire as is possible while still being needs led. An analysis of the suitability of the current placements has been undertaken which ahs allowed the Inclusion Service to place as many children as possible within the South Lanarkshire area, for example the KEAR Campus or other ASN schools. A saving of £0.050m is proposed.
ConclusionThe conclusion of this impact assessment is that there may be a negative impact on some of the groups covered by the protected characteristics. There is a recognition that this saving may result in the narrowing of possible service provision for vulnerable young people with complex additional support needs, however, all possible steps will be taken to mitigate this by providing a wide range of additional support needs provisions and placement types within our school estate. The service will continue to work with internal and external partners to ensure that the specific needs of affected pupils continue to be met.

We will continue to educate and care for as many of our children within South Lanarkshire as is possible whilst still being needs led. We will continue to analyse the suitability of placements in order to place as many children as possible within our own provision, for example within KEAR Campus or other ASN schools. This is in line with the mainstreaming strategy and the trend experienced across recent years.
Completion date2018 - 2019
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AreaCouncil Wide