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Community Participation Strategy

Community Participation Strategy | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCommunity Participation Strategy
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Service AreaCouncil Wide
Aims and ObjectivesTo introduce a new approach to community participation within the Council on a phased basis, which refocuses current approaches to community engagement and participation. Communities will become more empowered and take ownership of decisions which affect them.
Conclusion" The change in policy approach to Community participation should have a beneficial impact on those groups with protected characteristics and meet their aspirations more effectively than current arrangements. The policy should not cause negative impact on any equality group by its introduction. However as communities become more empowered, there will be a degree of prioritisation which communities will have to work on in order to reach a consensus.

Further more detailed engagement on policy direction needs to be undertaken with affected groups and with geographical groups.

The phased implementation will enable this to be monitored and enable communities to shape the policy direction."
Completion date2018 - 2019
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide