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Rapid Rehouisng Transition Plans

Rapid Rehouisng Transition Plans | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleRapid Rehouisng Transition Plans
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Service AreaHousing
Aims and ObjectivesThe Scottish Government has set a requirement for local authorities to work with community planning partners to develop Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans (RRTPs) to reduce homelessness. Rapid rehousing looks to improve service provision and outcomes for all households at risk of, or who are homeless. The proposals in the plan aim to meet the particular needs of all households including those with known vulnerabilities or risks in terms of homelessness including - - families with children and young people - care experienced young people and young people leaving care - people being discharged from prison or secure hospitals - women and children fleeing domestic abuse The national RRTP vision and approach closely aligns to key aspects of South Lanarkshire's Local Housing Strategy 2017-2022 and the wider community planning framework. The RRTP seeks to build upon this strategic framework and our solid foundations of partnership working to achieve a step change in preventing and reducing homelessness in South Lanarkshire over the next five years and beyond. Our RRTP vision is: "Homelessness in South Lanarkshire is significantly reduced, with homeless households moving to a settled home as quickly as possible." To support delivery of these objectives, we have set out headline targets for key measures which include:- - Reduce the average time spent in temporary accommodation - Reconfigure temporary accommodation supply - Increase percentage of social housing allocated to homeless households - Reduce the overall number of existing homeless households Progress in delivering the RRTP will be regularly monitored, reviewed and reported to the key management and partnership structures within South Lanarkshire. A Fairer Scotland Duty assessment is also being carried out to address socio-economic disadvantage and improve outcomes.
Conclusion"Scottish Government has set a requirement for local authorities to work with community planning partners to develop Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans (RRTPs). Rapid rehousing looks to improve service provision and outcomes for all households at risk of, or who are homeless.

Following a period of intensive engagement with a range of key stakeholders and partners who helped shape development of the plan, South Lanarkshire submitted its draft RRTP to the Scottish Government by the required date of 31/12/18.

The plan has been agreed by partners / stakeholders as the primary means of preventing and alleviating homelessness in South Lanarkshire over the next 5 years and beyond. The multi-agency Homelessness Strategy Group will have a key role to play in taking forward and implementing the RRTP, with progress on delivery of the plan regularly monitored, reviewed and reported to the key management and partnership structures within South Lanarkshire.

Accordingly, our recommendation is to introduce. "
Completion date2019 - 2020
Contact Email
AreaCouncil Wide