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Cambuslang Local Letting Initiative

Cambuslang Local Letting Initiative | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCambuslang Local Letting Initiative
Council ResourceHousing and Technical
Service AreaHousing
Aims and ObjectivesLocal Letting Initiatives (LLIs) provide the means for varying the housing allocation policy in order to take account of local needs, demands and circumstances. The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) highlights that across South Lanarkshire, there is a mismatch between population and housing provision. The need and demand for specialist housing vastly outweighs the availability and supply of this type of accommodation. Therefore, making best use of existing housing stock in order to meet the varied needs that exist within communities, is a key priority within the LHS and the LLIs contribute to the achievement of this.

The LLI in operation across Cambuslang applies to all multi storey properties (with the exception of Kyle Court, due to the existence of internal stairs) and gives priority for housing to applicants with an assessed mobility need. The LLI applies to 8% of the total stock in Cambuslang.

The LLI does not prevent applicants without a mobility need from applying for this type of housing. In order that the needs of other applicants can be met, including those who are homeless and to whom the Council has a legal duty to re-house, only a proportion of vacant multi storey properties will be let to those with a mobility need and this is managed locally.

While there is a range of property types across Cambuslang, it is recognised that not all stock is suitable for applicants with a mobility need. Cambuslang has a very limited supply of properties that have been purpose built, designed or adapted for those with particular needs. Multi storey properties have a level or ramped approach as well as other attributes which make them particularly suitable for applicants with mobility needs.

The intended outcome of the LLI is to increase the range and supply of housing available to those with mobility issues within existing stock.
ConclusionIn Cambuslang, there is limited accommodation suitable for those with particular needs.

The purpose of the LLI is to promote access to housing for older people with mobility needs. In Cambuslang, the multi storey properties provide particularly suitable housing for people with mobility needs due to the internal lift, level access and other attributes.

While the LLI allows applicants with a mobility need to be given priority for housing in these properties, it does not prevent other applicants from applying for this type of housing (although they may receive a lower level of priority depending on their individual needs) or for other types of housing which would be unsuitable for those with mobility needs.

Completion date06-JUN-2019
Contact Email
AreaRutherglen and Cambuslang