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Communications Strategy 2019-2022

Communications Strategy 2019-2022 | South Lanarkshire Council
TitleCommunications Strategy 2019-2022
Council ResourceFinance and Corporate
Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of this assessment is to consider the impact of introducing a formal communications strategy for South Lanarkshire Council.

The title of the strategy is "Helping improve the lives of everyone in South Lanarkshire". This emphasises that communications if used well can play a key role in supporting the council meet its commitment to continual improvement, including introducing new communications technology as it emerges.

It sets out how the council will communicate with people who live, work or visit South Lanarkshire and includes residents/business owners, council tenants/road users etc. For some time the council's communications have been operating on a "Digital First" principle, but more traditional means are still used.

Using two-way communications such as social media, which is now easier and quicker, is seen as a much more effective method of communication instead of the more traditional "broadcast" methods, such as issuing press releases and public notices.

Reaching all audiences, including those who are digitally-challenged has been considered in the strategy to ensure that they are kept informed of the council's decisions and services. However evidence suggests that this is a declining proportion of the population.
ConclusionFor some time the council's communications have been operating on a "Digital First" principle, but more traditional methods are still used. Using two-way communications such as social media, which is now easier and quicker, is seen as a much more effective method rather than using traditional "broadcast" communications, such as issuing press releases and public notices. Reaching all audiences, including those who are digitally-challenged has been considered in the strategy to ensure that they are kept informed of the council's decisions and services. However evidence suggests that this is a declining proportion of the population.

The introduction of the strategy is likely to impact on people in relation to the protected characteristics of age, disability, race and sex. To mitigate this impact alternative formats will be available.

There is a potential that the strategy will impact on employees who work in the Communications team as a result of the development of the Digital First strategy. Anyone who is affected by any structural changes will be consulted and their views considered.

It should be recognised that a "digital first" method of producing and receiving information will lead to improvements and increased access for some people. More traditional methods, press releases and public notices will continue when appropriate.

An annual progress update will be provided to the corporate management Team and quarterly progress reports will be provided to the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources).
Completion date22-JUL-2019
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